MEG UK 2019 Conference
CBI researchers Alexandra Kuznetsova and Yulia Nurislamova made oral presentations athe MEG UK 2019 conference to have taken place April 15-17 in Cardiff, UK.
CBI is featured on Russia-24 channel
Russia-24 aired a story in which Alex Ossadtchi, Ksenia Volkova, Nickolay Smetanin, Alexander Belyayev and Alexandra Kuznetsova talk about the CBI and its research: an exoskeleton-controlling neurointerface, myographic interface to control a hand avatar and the main project to develop an invasive neurointerface to be used in clinical settings.
How does the brain behave during simultaneous interpreting?
A recent edition of Popular Mechanics has featured an article about the study "Testing the efforts model of simultaneous interpreting: An ERP study" by Roman Koshkin, Yury Shtyrov, Andriy Myachykov and Alex Ossadtchi originally published in PLoS ONE in 2008.

ExoRehab Spotlights 2018 Symposium
Photo report from the international symposium ExoRehab Spotlights 2018 that took place on December 5 in Moscow.
Researchers of the Center for Bioelectric Interfaces Nikolai Smetanin, Aleksandra Kuznetsova and Alexei Ossadtchi presented Russia's first EEG-based neural interface that uses lower limb motor imagery for exoskeleton control. Alexei Ossadtchi also made a presentation "BCI for walk decoding".
This work has been done in collaboration with the Russian company ExoAtlet and Denis Lyovin who had volunteered to pilot the exoskeleton.
Megagrant #14.641.31.0003 "Bi-directional ECoG BCIs for contol, stimulation and communication". Lead scientist: Mikhail Lebedev.
The paper "NFBLab — A Versatile Software for Neurofeedback and Brain-Computer Interface Research" is now published.
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics (impact-factor 3.87) has published the paper "NFBLab — A Versatile Software for Neurofeedback and Brain-Computer Interface Research" by Nikolai Smetanin, Ksenia Volkova, Stanislav Zabodayev, Mikhail Lebedev and Alexei Ossadtchi. This research was funded by Megagrant #14.0641.31.0003. Lead scientist: Mikhail Lebedev.

Congrats to Anastasiya Belinskaya on winning a studentship from the Oxford Russia Fund!
We congratulate our colleague Anastasiya Belinskaya on winning a studentship from the Oxford Russia Fund! The studentship is awarded to graduate students for 2018 and 2019 based on academic merit and research performance. Anastasiya's master thesis project is titled "The effect of feedback signal presentation latency on the effectiveness of training in neurofeedback paradigm" and is supervised by Prof. Alex Ossadtchi.
To learn more about the studentship, please visit http://oxfordrussia.ru/news/324/.

Videos from the CCCP conference are now available!
We have uploaded video recordings from the October 2018 conference titled "CCCP: Cortical Codes: Control and Perception" co-organized by the Center for Bioelectric Interfaces and the Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences.

BCI-controlled exoskeleton: neurorehabilitation for patients with impaired lower limb function
At the international symposium ExoRehab Spotlights 2018 held on December 5 in Moscow, researchers of the Center for Bioelectric Interfaces Nikolai Smetanin, Aleksandra Kuznetsova and Alexei Ossadtchi presented Russia's first EEG-based neural interface that uses lower limb motor imagery for exoskeleton control. Alexei Ossadtchi also made a presentation "BCI for walk decoding". This work has been a collaboration with the Russian company ExoAtlet.
Megagrant #14.641.31.0003 "Bi-directional ECoG BCIs for contol, stimulation and communication". Lead scentist: Mikhail Lebedev.
Successful ECoG decoding in real time!
Today marks the successful completion of the first year of our research project funded by Megagrant #14.641.31.0003 "Bi-directional ECoG BCIs for control, stimulation and communication" (lead scientist: Mikhail Lebedev).
Conference "Rehabilitation based on Neurotechnologies"
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University is hosting a conference "Rehabilitation based on Neurotechnologies" in Moscow on November 29. Alexei Ossadtchi will give a talk on the topic "Electrocorticographic neurointerface for restoring lost functions and passive mapping of irreplaceable cortex", and Mikhail Lebedev will give a talk on the topic "Intracranial brain-computer interfaces: from monkey to human."
Megagrant № 14.0641.31.0003, leading researcher Mikhail Lebedev