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New article "Local propagation dynamics of MEG interictal spikes: source reconstruction with traveling wave priors" was published on biorxiv!

An article by Alexandra Kuznetsova, Mikhail Lebedev, and Alexei Ossadtchi, "Local propagation dynamics of MEG interictal spikes: source reconstruction with traveling wave priors", was published on biorxiv!

Pre-defense of the dissertation of Volkova Ksenia took place!

March 21, pre-defense of the dissertation of Volkova Ksenia "Experimental paradigms and data processing algorithms design in real time cognitive neuroimaging" took place. The committee unanimously recommended a dissertation for the defense procedure. Congratulations!

Research paper "Digital filters for low-latency quantification of brain rhythms in real-time" is accepted!

Paper by Nikolai Smetanin, Anastasia Belinskaya, Michail Lebedev and Alexei Ossadtchi, "Digital filters for low-latency quantification of brain rhythms in real-time"  is going to be published in "Journal of Neural Engineering". Congratulations!

Open workshop #CNBR_Open in Skoltech

Alexey Osadchiy and Nikolai Smetanin will hold a seminar at the Skoltech Center for Neurobiology and Neurorehabilitation

Conference “Theoretical Physics and Mathematics of the Brain: Bridges Across Disciplines and Applications”

Conference “Theoretical Physics and Mathematics of the Brain: Bridges Across Disciplines and Applications” will be held in Skoltech 4-5 of December. Centre director, Alexei Ossadtchi will give a presentation on “Mapping normal and pathological brain function with magnetoencephalography”

Research paper "Consensus on the reporting and experimental design of clinical and cognitive-behavioural neurofeedback studies" is now published!

Paper by Alexei Ossadtchi, Michail Lebedev, et al., "Consensus on the reporting and experimental design of clinical and cognitive-behavioural neurofeedback studies" was published in "Brain". Congratulations!

Alexei Ossadtchi gave inteview to "The World University Rankings"

Alexei Ossadchi, head of centre for bioelectric interfaces, described current tasks and projects in the latest interview with international journal "The World University Rankings".

Centre for Bioelectric Interfaces presents at "BCI: Science and Practice"

Centre stuff gave oral presentations and introduced poster. 

Conference "BCI: Science and Practice"

Samara State Medical University is hosting a conference "BCI: Science and Practice" on October 3-5. All the talks will be broadcasted on this YouTube channel. For more information follow through to the conference page.

Seminar Functional neuroimaging: recording technologies and data analysis methods

Center for Bioelectric Interfaces are glad to announce the international seminar "Functional neuroimaging: recording technologies and data analysis methods" that will be held in HSE, Moscow on October, 17.