Опубликована статья "Decoding hand kinematics from population responses in sensorimotor cortex during grasping"!
В журнале Journal of Neural Engineering опубликована статья Елизаветы Окороковой "Decoding hand kinematics from population responses in sensorimotor cortex during grasping". Поздравляем!
The hand, a complex effector comprising dozens of degrees of freedom of movement, endows us with the ability to flexibly, precisely, and effortlessly interact with objects. The neural signals associated with dexterous hand movements in primary motor cortex (M1) and somatosensory cortex (SC) have received comparatively less attention than have those that are associated with proximal limb control. To fill this gap, we trained three monkeys to grasp objects varying in size, shape and orientation while tracking their hand postures and recording single-unit activity from M1 and SC. We then decoded their hand kinematics across 30 joints from population activity in these areas. We found that we could accurately decode kinematics with a small number of neural signals and that performance was higher for decoding joint angles than joint angular velocities, in contrast to what has been found with proximal limb decoders. We conclude that cortical signals can be used for dexterous hand control in brain machine interface applications and that postural representations in SC may be exploited via intracortical stimulation to close the sensorimotor loop.